252-670-8053 bmorrison641@gmail.com
32+ Years of Service
Employee Of The Year Award 15 Years of Service Award Fine tuning adjustable prop in Beaulieu, France

From Bruce.....
I'll never forget my first day on the job at Hatteras Yachts. After showing me around and orienting me to my new job, my supervisor, a perfectionist and fiercely dedicated man named Tommy Henshaw, said something that has stuck with me to this day. He said, "Bruce, always remember: What we build in this factory is a product that the buyer does not HAVE to have. At the end of each day, look back at what you have accomplished and ask yourself-- if you were buying this boat, would you be satisfied with that day's production?"
Hatteras Yachts' has some of the highest standards of any production boat in the world. To Tommy Henshaw, those standards were our bible. More than 35 years later, the principals Tommy taught still remain with me in every job that I do.
Do your best. Take pride in what you do. Go above and beyond.
I love boats--ALL boats. After all, "a bad day on the water is better than a good day at the office". At the end of each day, though, one thing will always be true: I am a HATTERAS MAN, through and through. I know Hatteras. If your Hatteras Yacht came off the production line between 1973 and 1995, I almost certainly had my hands on it. If you called customer service between 1995 and 2006 to get advise about your vessel, there's a good chance you and I spoke; almost certainly if you have an older model. While in the Service Department I taught seminars in the Hatteras Service School [offered to technicians around the world] on construction, damage repairs, propulsion systems, steering, trim tabs, tracing leaks, and more. If your vessel ever went into a Hatteras Certified Yard, chances are their top technician went through our seminars. From 2006 to 2008, if your warranty vessel went to Florida (as a vast number of yachts do), I became your Service Representative----the only Hatteras Yachts employee stationed full-time outside of the factory. Today's Hatteras fleet--always evolving, always on the leading edge of product innovation---is still, at its core, HATTERAS. Walking onto a new vessel, I'm on home turf; I know where I am and what is around me. If for some reason I don't have an answer to a problem, though, I know who does. Information is but a phone call away. I travel all over the world doing project management, refits & repairs, orientations,and inspections. Give me a call. I am ready to assist you in any way that I can.
252-670-8053 bmorrison641@gmail.com
Link to: Hatteras Yachts
Link to: Sam's Marine